Wednesday, May 16, 2012

No More Pencils, No More Books...

Week of May 28th

Make it Monday..Garden Markers

Take a Hike Tuesdays..Snowbasin
Meet at the church at 9:00 with all the necessary stuff to hike :)

Wet Wednesdays..Car and Bike Wash (my car needs some <3)

Tour it Thursdays..Utah Botanical Center
Meet at the church at 10:00 Bring a picnic lunch and after we are heading on over to Valley Nursery to buy things for our garden and a few extra flowers for...

Friendly Friday!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Countdown Is ON!!

So Moms..less than.2 weeks! Less than 2 Weeks left to get ready for fun!!  The goal??  To NOT hear the words "I'm bored"  For our family I have given every day of the week a name so we will always have an idea of what is coming for the day.  Having a bit of a plan keeps the whining away.   Junes Theme will be Explore and Create and we will work on the photo challenge Posted in previous post) throughout the month.  Mondays are Make it Mondays, Tuesdays are Take a Hike Tuesdays, Wednesdays are Wet Wednesdays, Thursdays are Tour it Thursdays and Fridays are Friend-ly Fridays where we will make an effort to try to do some sort of service or friendly gestures.  I'm working on out calendar now.  Thursdays I thought would be a great day to go!  Please feel free to join us.  I am going to try to keep up on posting at least a week ahead of time of the places we'll go.  We are going to try to Hike different places along the Wasatch front on Tuesdays, I will also post those.  But for now put on your Calendars SIDEWALK CHALK ART to celebrate the last day of school!  After school on the last day make sure you have your kids decorate the canvas in front of your home.  If you need ideas on what to about SUMMER!!  Then take a stroll that evening to check out all the artist in our neighborhood.  I would LOVE for you to send your pictures through out the summer and any proud moments!  Mt. Green has so many kids to brag about!  Happy Summer :)
Letter E and East Canyon Dam last summer!  Sooooo much fun!!