Yep! Time flies! Our 3 sons before Ke'Nia |
Worn swimsuits..Tired kids and grumpy mom...a few added pounds thanks to ice cream and movie treats...messy house...bedtime??...empty pocketbook...messy car...no schedule...mosquito bites...cousins...WHEW! That describes our Summer! Ready for the kids to go back?? School Clothes..Check, School Supplies..Check, Registration..Check, but no, NOT ready! Having older kids I realize how quickly they grow and how short the time is to make memories. If only I could capture time in a bottle hmmm...Well it is what it is, so ready or not it's time to get thinking Back To School. Doesn't mean the fun needs to stop, just have to organize it now :) So here's to the last few days of summer break with fall fun just around the corner!