Monday, April 23, 2012

SChooLs OuT fOr SuMmER...almost :)

A Summer photo challenge for the kidos! along with things to do this summer. Come join us on Mondays and Thursdays as we play! We are starting out June with Explore and Create. A few ideas...hiking waterfall canyon, sidewalk chalk art, camping, geo caching, a Target scavenger hunt, rock painting, exploring Temple square. Any suggestions would be fabulous! Hoping to post Proud Mama Moments..News Worthy Items...Classifieds...Photo Challenge Pictures and Now You Know Tips. E-Mail me with ideas and suggestions! This is our photo challenge list for this months theme:
New House under Construction
Your Sidewalk Art
Something You Helped Cook
Book Your Reading
Craft You Made
You In Your 1st Outfit For Summer
A Letter Of The Alphabet Found Hidden
Your Breakfast
Favorite Toy
Something That Makes You Smile
Funny Face
Road Sign

Calendar is in the making so until then, it's to early to be bored!


  1. Loving the new blog! I will play along from Washington but we aren't out of school for 5 more weeks.

  2. OOOhh, the comments are working now. Yeah! Kenna will just die over this photo challenge. It is right up her ally. Thanks for doing this Tammy! We are so excited for all the summer fun to come! Let me know what I can do to help

  3. Thanks Linda...You are just giving me a head start lol!! Ideas are always needed Mandy!! Are your kids out the same as us Morganites??
